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Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Poor guy.
He threw a screaming-mimi-meltdown fit on Sunday when we stopped at a friend's house and didn't let him get in their pool (He had just gotten his new life jacket, but we were in a hurry to get back home- I mean I would be pretty ticked too).
This morning I came out of our bedroom at 6am and found him like this...
He looked up at me with those sweet blue eyes and said, "simming?"
And it took every ounce of being I had to not load him up and head to the pool right then.
"Thursday, buddy. Thursday swimming."
"Simming." he said.

Come onnnnn, Thursday.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Three things

Today Waylon, Lucy and I went to Walmart and bought three things.
1. A life jacket, because he scared the bejeezus out of me yesterday (and spending money is my coping mechanism).
2. A king sized bag of skittles, because making it through Walmart is a king-sized accomplishment (and because I can't say no when his first purposeful word of the day is "candy?" when we pulled into the parking lot).
And 3. A box of baby wipes, because Lucy had a blowout and the Griswold's forgot to pack any. (Walmart gives that girl the runs... Me too sometimes).

Tonight I give thanks for the sunny day, Walmart receipts totaling less than $30, whoever invented seatbelts (there's nothing quite like the peace of knowing your child is strapped in a seat right behind you), and a day where forgetting wipes and Lucy having the runs is my biggest worry.
I'll take it.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Guardian Angel

A good little friend of mine turned 14 today. But unlike many other teenagers, he spent his birthday looking out for others. He gave instead of received.
Also unlike many other teenagers, he spent his birthday in Heaven.
Although I miss him and think of him every day, I am eternally grateful that my special boy has a guardian angel who knows every nook and cranny of Grandpa's farm. 
This afternoon at the farm our wanderer took wandering to a new extreme. We let our guard down for just a few minutes- he crossed a road, went to a pond, was missing for over 20 minutes... there are so many "what ifs" that keep playing through my head right now. 
I wish I could take these emotions and write something really moving with them. Something that will help you understand how scared I was today. Something that will help the world understand how serious wandering and autism is. But the thoughts in my head are spinning and I'm still trying to untie the knots in my stomach.
We are very very very lucky that we were able to bring our little boy home tonight.
Not all moms are so lucky.
Thanks for bringing him home to us today, Wes.
And happy birthday. 
Ever this day be at our side,
To light, to guard, to rule, to guide.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Well, should I?

I'm applying/pleading/begging for Waylon to get into an ABA therapy program. There are three (yes, you heard me, three) in Kansas that are in-network with our new insurance. One I'm pretty sure is not a possibility. One has a rather long waiting list (that we are on) and the last one has eight slots, of which one comes open every two to three years.
So when they said, "Tell us a little bit about Waylon" I felt like his personal spokesperson.
I mean really, who could turn this kid down?
"First of all, Waylon is adorable. I know you probably hear this a lot, but I am dead serious. He is all boy- he loves dirt, rocks, water, Lightning McQueen, and being ornery. He is seven years old, and I suppose he is technically "emerging non-verbal"- his speech is improving leaps and bounds, but he still only speaks one or two words at a time when prompted, or echolalia. Waylon mostly communicates by staring into your eyes and smiling great big. He is very independent- he would rather make his own snack than have to use words to ask for help. He is usually sensory seeking, and loves to be active- jumping, running, high-fives, and especially hugs and kisses- he is very affectionate. He is never mean, and never hits or bites, but he can get very excited and flappy."
But here's what I need to know: Should I include the picture of him naked in my dryer?



Sorry I've been totally MIA lately.
If I am MIA, I guess you could say I'm also a POW.
I am a prisoner of this stupid war to get my kid some help.

We were thrilled, I mean we are thrilled, that we finally have insurance that will cover his therapy. Trust me, I am immensely thankful. But I got a little caught up in the celebration and now I am rather annoyed that I forgot that having insurance doesn't solve all my problems.

Can I step into a horrible, selfish bubble here for a second? How come a kid who is sick with any other illness can go to the doctor, pay a co-pay, get a treatment plan, a prescription, and a sticker?

Ok, I'll get back out of that horrible, selfish bubble. That is wrong.
I am so glad that he is healthy. I don't wish upon any child that they should have any illness. I just wish I could take him to the doctor and they would tell me what to do.

Is that so much to ask???
Getting your kid some help should not be so complicated.

This is 'merica, people. Ugh.