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Thursday, March 27, 2014


Ahhhhh... Where to start.
Well let's begin with the reasons for my emotional turmoil:
1. It was the end of Spring break week. He had been walking on my counters and peeing on my floor and eating my nutella with hint of lime tostitos for a whole week.
2. My biggest baby was gone for the week and this momma was missing him something fierce.
3. I carry a (sweet adorable precious) baby around all day and provide her sustenance every three hours all day and all night, and thus can't shake the bags under my eyes and the need to hear the coffee pot continuously percolating.
 4. I've still got that postpartum funk going on so I spend most nights plotting ways to murder my snoring husband. (Just kidding, kind of. It's just a funk, but postpartum depression is serious. Please don't murder your husband. Get help.)

So anyways, we had spent the final Saturday of Spring Break veg'ing out on the sofa, watching movies, eating corn dogs for lunch, and snacking on those delicious oatmeal sandwich Little Debbie's the rest of the day... every kids dream day, right? Who am I kidding, this is my dream day.
Well Waylon has a bit of an obsession with toilet paper, and he tends to clog the toilet with an entire roll, oh like, every other day. So when Rose came in and casually mentioned that the master bathroom toilet was clogged, Travis and I, in our exhausted stupor, took note- guess we'll have to use the kids' bathroom until one of us gets in there and unclogs it. No biggie. Right?
Wellllllll round about 4:30 in the afternoon, we decide we should probably get up and around- maybe head to town for church- Travis comes back from our bathroom and says, "I don't think we're going to church tonight... the bathroom's flooded."
I started to say "Oh dear, better check the basement" but he read my mind and opened the basement door mid-sentence, whence I was drowned out by the sound of Niagra Falls coming out of my basement ceiling. Real life. True story. Ain't making this up.
I suppose that is the 5th reason I was in emotional turmoil.
Travis started crying and I called my Mom.

So by about midnight, after hours of shop vac'ing the bathroom and closet carpets and basement floor, squeegee'ing standing water, renting an industrial sized dehumidifier, setting up fans, moving the basement sofas and rugs and totes and bags of clothes and soaked carseats.... you get the point..... anyways, around midnight, I started sifting through a box of photos I found that had gotten wet and laying them out to dry. (Here's a good place for me to advise you all to not store your photos in shoe boxes.) This box happened to be from about 2007 and 2008- Waylon's first year and a half. So I'm looking at photos of him opening his first Christmas presents and hunting for Easter eggs. He's reading a book on my lap and playing with his brother; cheesing for the camera and soaking up the interaction like any typical toddler. For pete's sake he's even wearing hats. I look in these pictures and I see his personality. And I remembered back then, when I felt like I knew the boy behind those eyes. Back when I still had Waylon.
And that's when I really felt flooded.
So I guess that's reason #6 for my emotional turmoil.
And the straw that broke the camel's back.

Can I be honest here? It really pisses me off.
What are those "stages of grief" I learned in nursing school?
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
I am really angry. Angry that I had a boy. A beautiful boy. For such a short period of time. And I had no clue. I didn't cherish it. I didn't realize that those piercing blue eyes staring at me with such love would soon be precious to find. No clue that that would be his last Easter egg hunt for years. No clue that it would take him six more Christmases to open presents with that much gusto again. How should I have known that he would soon "come down with something" that would keep him from being able to do something as simple as putting on a hat?
I had no clue.

And you know what else pisses me off?
That no one can tell me why.
The CDC is having a press conference today to announce their latest estimate of the rate of kids being diagnosed with autism. Again, we're making a big production of the prevalence but not getting to the root of the problem.
Please, will someone just tell me where my son went?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can hear you optimists out there. There's a little optimistic angel sitting on my other shoulder, too.
He's a beautiful boy. He still has those beautiful big blue eyes. He's a wonderful, unique person who has made our lives so much more rich and fulfilled than I could have imagined.
I'm aware of that.
But sometimes, I just have to grieve a little. For what was. It's ok.
Because it's that anger that keeps me going. Going to IEP meetings, and reading food labels, calling insurance companies and service providers, state representatives and senators, and keeps me sane while scraping the hint of lime tostitos crumbs out of my nutella.
And it keeps me praying that someday that Waylon will return, and he'll rip open his Christmas presents and say, "Cool, that's what I've always wanted, Mom."
And you know what? I don't care if he ever wears a hat again. But just to hear those words-
that's all I've ever wanted.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

All things new and wonderful

My oh my. I'm on cloud 9.
What an eventful month it's been around here.
Let's see, I think the last time we left off, I was feeling kind of like this:

But then something wonderful happened, this:

She is adorable and perfect and wonderful and amazing and lovely and sweet and adorable and perfect and wonderful and...
I won't drone on about her birth story (even though it was beautiful and perfect and I could tell it a thousand times), but I will tell you I was just plum tickled that everything went just as I had hoped. I was so worried that I would need to be induced. In usual Lindy-fashion, I freaked the hell out. For no reason.
And then she came. Just perfectly. All on her own.
(Well, I did eat Mexican the night before- the taco salad with shredded beef, in case any of you overdue pregnant mommas out there are wondering).

And as evidenced by the outpouring of love and support and texts and phone calls and facebook messages and likes and meals showing up at our house like Ed McMahon and the Publisher's Clearing House... I'd say she is one pretty loved little gal.
I really will be sending out the good old fashioned paper thank you cards to express my dearest thanks, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be a bit before all that gets done. So in the mean time, Thank you all.

I totally took this screenshot to put in her baby book, so I can whip it out someday when she's a teenager and says, "Nobody likes me!"

You know, my mom always told me that when she had another child her love was never divided, but instead it multiplied. Funny how each milestone in your life makes you value your mother's wisdom even more. My mom is so freakin' smart.
I am so in love.

With all of them.
So, we have set out on this fascinating new adventure. A family of six.

Of course, with all new family adventures, it is the mother's job to freak the hell out. For no reason. Right?
So I watch the way she responds to our voices and I watch her eyes as they follow the light coming in the window. I google "How to bond with your newborn" and I sit and talk with her in my willy nilly little baby voice for hours on end.
You see, it's just me and her everyday while the big kids are at school. We're becoming old pals, Lucy and me. I know everything about her. And she is learning everything about me.
So we talk, we sing, we cuddle, we coo. Travis says I'm just creating a monster. He's probably right.
I know I'm probably going overboard- I'm just so scared of being a refrigerator mother.
I will hold and coddle her all the days of my life, if there's even just a one-in-a-million chance it will keep her from getting autism.
I know, I know, it's just me being paranoid. It's just me freaking the hell out. For no reason, right?
I hope so.

Lucy and I sat down and had a good, long talk about how to crap in the toilet instead of her diaper, and she was like, "Huh?"
So, she is one month old today. And, like all of you perfect little pinteresting first time moms out there, Lucy and I are going to have a little "I'm one month old" photo sesh this afternoon.
But I am pretty freaking proud of myself for even remembering she turns one month old today. Let alone the picture thing. So don't get used to this.

Oh, and as you may have noticed on facebook or youtube, other amazing things have happened this month. And I'll be back to blog about them soon.
But now I have a baby to coddle and love and take pictures of. So I'll see you again soon, k?