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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Breaking point

Have you ever had the thought, "Parenting is just so hard... I don't know if I can do this anymore... God has given me more than I can handle..."?
Well, then, friends, I implore you to get in your cars and drive to my house right now.
$20 says you run away screaming, saying prayers of thanksgiving your whole drive home, promising God to never say those things again about your children. 

But, seriously, if you're coming, I could really use some help cleaning up crap here. And some industrial strength carpet cleaner, if you have any. We're almost out. 

I don't care if my throat is raw and I'm still running a fever tomorrow or not, I am going back to work. I need a day off.

Is this ok to publish online? 
Please don't call SRS, I swear I was out of the bathroom for 3 seconds.
The kid is a monkey... He climbs walls and throws poop.

Update: Rose just walked in and said, "What happened?" I said, a little annoyed, "What do you think happened?"
So she said in an innocent little voice- "Did you poop on the floor???"
Ok. I'll smile a little. Just this once.